Ahhh ... good old Revolting Cocks. Has anyone else ever heard their cover of 'Do Ya Thing I'm Sexy ?' Fucking HOT I tells ya Friday night and I'm being a total loser and staying in.
I think you will find as time goes on that the ultimate pleasure is home on a Friday night, letting it all pass by
I have not heard Revolting Cocks, I will put them on the list.
A recommendation for you Killing Joke- Killing Joke with the clown on the cover(there are two self titled)
I have not heard Revolting Cocks, I will put them on the list.
A recommendation for you Killing Joke- Killing Joke with the clown on the cover(there are two self titled)
The video was a hoot.
Have you seen the film "Rivers Edge". It's my favourite film featuring your current crush, Crispin Glover.