So I talked to the Moms on Friday. That was, to say the least, wierd. I call the #, and she answers so I say "Hi, Mom." She say "Hi Jen, what can I do for you?" "Nothing Mom, it's just been a while." Cue the tears and the "I never stopped loving you..." Weirdness. Anyway, much talk about people I no longer give a shit about and their boring lives, how happy she is that my sister got engaged and how much it will be like when I got married... except that I didn't tell anyone I was getting married and no one knew my husband (now the best father in the world and still, almost 8 years later, the love of my life) and no one would have approved since I was 19. But in all other respects, just like when I got married. In that she will be legally bound to a guy. And really in no other way. So the talk was okay, no rehashing of old wounds, I was careful not to bring up my Daddy at all as they DO NOT GET ALONG, and she's bitter and hates him. Nothing was said of my life and how they disapprove and want me to get a real, honest job and settle down somewhere that everyone can see my family and get to know them, and no talk of how my family is petty and really I just can't stand the constant infighting and one-ups and that's why I left and cut everyone off in the first place. But Dad says that I should get along with her since she'll die eventually and I'll feel bad. I'm with Dad, maybe I will. And for now, I'll play the blood-is-thicker-than-water game.
In other less drama-type news, we now have a frog. His name is Spagetti and he lives with the boy's fish, Lulu. He seems pretty happy in there and the boy is overjoyed at the new addition. The cat could care less. Hope all is well for everyone and that you had a great Memorial Day weekend. Thank a vet today!
In other less drama-type news, we now have a frog. His name is Spagetti and he lives with the boy's fish, Lulu. He seems pretty happy in there and the boy is overjoyed at the new addition. The cat could care less. Hope all is well for everyone and that you had a great Memorial Day weekend. Thank a vet today!

awww thanks!!!! haha spagetti... that is so funny