So he's back, but only provisionally. It makes me ache to have to work so hard for a simple friendship. But I can't not do it. For some as-yet-unknown-to-me reason, it is imperative that I have this person in my life. And so I will, until I can't take it anymore. Just a side note, if you're not providing me with any concrete goods or services (i.e. sex, money, beer, any combination or variation thereof) there is no reason to lie to me. If I am providing you with said goods or services, and I catch you lying for no good reason, said goods and services will stop. And if we're just friends, don't bother, there's no reason to, and chances are, you already know what will happen when I catch you and that's why you're lying in the first place. Come on! So, the boy will remain important to me. And I will be sad for a while and then get over it. Such is my life. And since the trend among the cool folks is to list stuff that makes you happy, here goes. The husband, who goes by Jas. He's funny and sweet and cooks and is cuddly and just plain rocks. Sam, who is a spaz and is probably smarter than me at the grand old age of 4. My Dad who is great fun to argue with about religion but who is proud of me. And he's my Dad, so he gets a vote. Melissa who proved that not all girls suck, I'm just in a situation where I'm surrounded by women who do. (I love girls by the way, it just seems most of the time that it's not reciprocated. I don't want to sleep with your man, it's just that he thinks my car is cool, and you drive a minivan. I think chicks are hot, you think that's morally wrong. Sorry.) Generally, people make me happy. Not stuff, but folks. So thanks, too, to Todd, Ben, J, and all the other folks I couldn't live without.

I'd like to thank the Academy