So I'm driving home from a visit with a friend last night, thinking about how much I'll miss home (I'm leaving for 4 months SOON) and thinking about all of the little things I'l miss. And it always seems to be the really small things. For example, I took the 52 to J's house (if you don't live in SD you have no idea what I'm talking about but bear with me) and there's this section on the way back (east) where there's these whoop-de-do's. I don't know what else to call them, but theres bumps in the road that give the rollercoaster effect and they're fun. And I won't be driving for a while. Unless I rent a car in Hawaii which is fun (I can get away from Waikiki and all of the tourists) but I'm not fond of small rentals. I always get stuck with a Cavalier or a Neon. I'm going to miss my cars. And the ride home from J's.

Shit, if your cronies leave my twisted body in the fan room / cinema, how will those poor bastards ever watch tv? It's already a tight fit without my bloated carcass in there. 

Yeah? Well, I got socks,aspirin, some pens, amd Better Off Dead on DVD. so there