Okay. So the hair dye thing totally didn't work out for me. I apparently chose the wrong color (note to self, don't ask a 3 year old if the color on the box is the same as on your head.) and now I have purple hair. But only for like ten days, since tomorrow I will be visiting the coolest stylist on the planet and getting it FIXED. Don't get me wrong, I like purple, and it looks okay, but I have to go back to work on Wednesday and they would have a FIT. So I will go as red as I dare and hope that it flies. Purple would Not. San Antonio was BEAUTIFUL. As always, not a true vacation as there is SOOO much to see there. ( Mr. Flickwood is from there and we still haven't seen half of the touristy stuff) We went to two of the missions and took some amazing pictures, Mom and Dad took us to the Zoo (at Master Samwise's request) more amazing pictures....Did I mention that we got a new camera? OMG, it's beautiful. If you're looking for a digital and want a nice, easy to use, but good to grow into camera, look a the Konica-Minolta A2. Gotta pimp the brand, Minolta's been good to me. And the best part of the whole deal is that I get to take the old (but awesome) camera to wherever the hell I'm going overseas. And that makes me happy. Dorky pictures of MarginWalker2002 will abound. So stand by....
Sounded KIND of okay -- probably a little weird though. The acoustic wasn't the problem but the ukulele is very high pitched.
Hey you, where ya been?