I love deadlines. I kind of thrive on stress. Not that I'm one of those folks who works better under pressure, just that I like to. And not that I'm more likely to get a job done under pressure, getting a job done is kind of hit or miss for me. But I've got a lot of pressure right now. And that makes me kind of happy. Or content. Definitely more like content. I've got about thirty days left before my big trip and I'm stressing about whether I have all of my shit together (I probably have way more than I need.) And I'm stressing a lot at work because we're sooo not ready to go. But I'm really looking forward to it. See, the nature of my job is such that I spend about 75% of my time getting ready to actually do it, and when it comes down to it, it's kind of sink or swim. Literally. But I'm sick of spending so much time chillin' waiting to DO something and watching some of the amazing people around me and just waiting for the chance to prove that I'm as good as they are. There's 4 or 5 people that I can't wait to deploy with, people that I look up to personally and professionallyand who I can't wait to work with without all of that going home stuff. See, when you're stuck on a ship for months at a time, your true colors can't help but come out. You can't hide anything from anyone. But that's a great thing. We may as well all be naked, except that I work in cold spaces and would freeze my tushy off. Okay, tis is a long pointless entry, but the gist of it is I'm excited, busy and a little sad that I have to go. But happy that SG works (kinda) underway.