My buddy got scratched on the eyeball by his cat this morning. I feel bad because that has to suck some major ass. But he was supposed to work and when he came in to explain why he couldn't, he still had dye residue running down his face from the IR dye stuff, and his girlfriend leading him like he was blind. Gimme a break. I read the paperwork, it said he was out of work until his "sense of well being returned." And his vision was unaffected. And I love my kitty, but that one would've been gone. I'm getting jaded with work Drama.
In other news, there really is none. Hope everyone has a wonderful easter or at least eats lots of candy and peeps.
Bok, Bok.
In other news, there really is none. Hope everyone has a wonderful easter or at least eats lots of candy and peeps.

My mother had one of her rabbits bite through her lip and scratch her cheek this week to but eyeballs make me nervous, it can't be good at all.