something else... no complaints. just want to fly is that so much to ask? last night i had a dream i was trying to excape from someone trying to kill me (not the first time i've had that kind) and i was leap-flying over roof tops to escape. I loved it!
I was in the car today, passengers seat, just daydreaming...i wanted with all of...
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I was in the car today, passengers seat, just daydreaming...i wanted with all of...
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try to figure out what you want to do more than anything in the world and frickin do it. i let myself drift for way too long. dont do that.
Wow, your bodyart is amazing. The only thing more beautiful is the canvas that it is painted on. You are stunning.
GOD! another argumet erupted over me joining this site again. He checked the Internet history and saw this site + some girlfriends site...WHY! (maybe at this point i've had too much wine tonight) but i'm starting to feel suffocated! (not to mention i can't spell!!!!) I wish i didn't have these thoughts of girls, i want to be a normal little one, daydreaming of only...
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No, I totally know what your talking about and I feel the same, or at least lately thats how I have been living, its weird. Even like the smallest of things, such as the way the leaves all move when the eind blows through them, nature, nature is something I really never payed to much attention to, but now I really appreciate it. Anyways, I just went off on the random tantrum. I know something that will put a smile on your face. Download the song, Karma in the Life, but don't blow it up, please.

I don't think my boyfriend particularly likes me being on SG either...but I do it anyways because one of my best friends is an SG and I want to keep in touch with her
You are so cute
I was just writing to say hi. i was inspired by your "into" column thingie- whatever ya call it
. I feel the same way.
Come say hi sometime if you can.

You are so cute

Come say hi sometime if you can.

GOD! another argumet erupted over me joining this site again. WHY! maybe at this point i've have too much wine tonight, but i'm starting to feel suffocated, (not to mention i can't spell!!!!) I wish i didn't have these thoughts of girls, i want to be a normal little one, daydreaming of only my boyfriend. Is something wrong with me! i demand to know.
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So my boyfriend went onto my profile on suicidegirls, under my name. He deleted a pic of me in a baseball shirt, with the bottom of my titts showing, and freaked out completely. Saying how would i feel if he was flashing his dick around to complete strangers.
I told him i wouldn't mind.
But in the end i came up feeling like shit for...
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I told him i wouldn't mind.
But in the end i came up feeling like shit for...
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Hey, I don't know too many folks around these parts who mention Miles Davis. Personally, I'm more of a Coltrane fan, but Miles had it going on!
whew... OK, I don't know you, but judging from your journal entry, you're dating someone who is really into overreacting. If it were me, I would be proud to have a girlfriend who is confident and independent enough to post such a picture of herself on the internet... shit, I used to date a stripper, and I saw no problem with her job because I knew that at the end of every night, she would still be mine. anyways, that's my one cent.
well, my "lovely" bugg has decided to strand me. away from civilization. no, that's an over statement, but shit.... i feel as if my baby has malicious tendencies. Anywho, my boy went to go make it better. I feel bad, but my presence would be worthless, i'd probably just get in the way I should really make it a point to learn something about cars,...
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you're sooo cute. such high cheek bones. 

Lookin for things to do parties to go to in LA area Jan 10-14, any suggestions?
jesus! i feel as if i'm void of emotion. I was just at my bf's and we were on our way out to eat. but i decided i didn't want him to come with me, so i told him to get out of the car. i said i didn't want to be with him right now.
but even i don't understand what just took place....
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but even i don't understand what just took place....
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well, my "lovely" bugg has decided to strand me. away from civilization. no, that's an over statement, but shit.... i feel as if my baby has malicious tendencies. Anywho, my boy went to go make it better. I feel bad, but my presence would be worthless, i'd probably just get in the way
I should really make it a point to learn something about cars, I don't want to risk being mugged and raped all because of my own ignorance. blah.
I can literally feel myself getting more stupid each day. I miss school sooooo much. There's something so wonderful about leaning. And i'd like to do as much of that before my mind starts falling apart (which is inevitable). JAN 21st. NEEDS TO COME ALREADY!!!!

I can literally feel myself getting more stupid each day. I miss school sooooo much. There's something so wonderful about leaning. And i'd like to do as much of that before my mind starts falling apart (which is inevitable). JAN 21st. NEEDS TO COME ALREADY!!!!

yay, an improvement upon yesterday! mmm, i'm listening to billie right now, she's got such an amazing voice. my choice of picutre isn't the best for my profiley thingy, i think it makes me look a little wonkie-eyed? i don't know you be the judge.
damn! i've decided there should be a cross eyed smile.

I wouldn't change the picture. I like it

Hey there, keep the picture.
I am so sick of looking at this picture of my titts.
boring. Also my comp, has decided to disagree with me on this, and won't allow me to post any other pic.
I'm a little worried, i'm getting the feeling that i need a personal change, and that usually leads to more impulsive tattooing, or something self distructive. I'm going to hold back as...
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I'm a little worried, i'm getting the feeling that i need a personal change, and that usually leads to more impulsive tattooing, or something self distructive. I'm going to hold back as...
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seems to be a lot of self change going on....good luck!
I'm going to scream! my fucking car won't start, and the street sweeper should be here within the next hour. Blah! also, i can't upload any pictures. why is does it feel like someone is poking me?

poke poke! poke poke!

seems like no one's pictures are going up--or they're uploading but not displaying. i personally don't mind if you leave the profile pic up for a while.
but look out for that street sweeper...dangerous!
but look out for that street sweeper...dangerous!
Fuck my scanner! I got some great pics from halloween (harley quinn/joker) that i want to replace my boobies with but my stupid faced printer/copier/scanner is a rotten piece of junk. blah to technology, blah!

what do you want for your birthday?
i could use a new snowboard, K?
i could use a new snowboard, K?
I think you rock, even before the boobage, mike patton is a reason to deem someone as rockin' eh? thats right!.... sorry it took my lame ass so long to say hello.

yeah isnt life great? ive basically come to the same realizations as you. I need to stop taking life so fucking seriously and realize that i dont have control over most things so i just have to let it go. Maybe someday ill actually accomplish this.
hey are those your boobies, cuz if they are WOW!!!!!!
hey are those your boobies, cuz if they are WOW!!!!!!

y'aint gotta be old to be bitter. i know a lot of bitter 20 somethings.
i gotta eat. i friggin starvin over here.
i gotta eat. i friggin starvin over here.