If I can quote and meme at the same time, there is only one person who can be that profoundly inspirational and funny at the same time for me...
And last but not least...
Thank you @rambo and @missy for the suggestion!
I disagree i think the comment is refering to lack of confidence in ourself and doubt. you may really love someone but your doubts of yourself can get in the way. Thinking such things like "look at me they deserve better" etc and you start conparing. Soon is when the insecurities get between you both. I've been in that insecure place and it was me who ruined it as i couldn't change my thoughts on myself. I got paranoid and doubtful & it ended. You got to be happy with yourself is how it should be worded? xxxx
This post is about and encourage people to love them self first of all. Romantic love from other people can always end at some point, the love we have for ourselves and mostly respect and how we treat our bodies and mind is one of the most fundamental keys to be happy. Note that I'm not pushing anyone to believe in the same way and thing as me. Is just an encouragement and is totally fine if you think different, if not all will be so boring. Thanks a lot for commenting :) @LILYMAI @_RUSTY_@THEPINKO @ELAENA@DIAMANT @SHINES @PHOEBE love to you all ❤❤❤