I am currently trying to help my boyfriend with his comic book project: Dirty Angel... He's been drawing since he was a kid, and is now very good at it (and I'm not saying that just cause we're together... I have been known in the past for being to honest and telling my partner that what they do ain't as good as they thought it...
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Hey all!
A few days ago I shared a link to the Dark Core Comics website (http://www.darkcorecomics.com/). The Kickstarter page is now up and running. Go check out the rewards, we count on your support!
Hi all!
So my boyfriend and a friend of ours (under the name Dark Core Comics) had this project of making their own comic book. They have worked really hard over the last year to make it happen, and created Dirty Angel, a brand new comic with a black female lead character, something that they both find is not represented enough in the superhero/comic world....
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