so life has slipped back into the same old routine that it always slips to. back at tafe, back at work, works slowly sucking my holiday high away and i'm seriously considering quitting. but then i always say that.
at least tafe is, mostly, enjoyable. on the up side, we're making deconstructed t-shirts, doing figure drawing from live models (if any of you perthies want to earn some money my lecturer's looking for more models) and designing jackets inspired by these sculptures in the art gallery of wa-
on the down side, i have to study marketing which makes my whole body ache with the awfulness of it. all i want to do is make clothes, i dislike the idea that i have to "research my market" and play to all that consumerist stuff. i am uncomfortable enough with the whole industry without having it rubbed in my face.
anyway, i suppose i shant be doing much except homework until the weekend but i will see some of you on saturday and i might even end up at amplifier on friday so i could see some then too. who knows? until then
at least tafe is, mostly, enjoyable. on the up side, we're making deconstructed t-shirts, doing figure drawing from live models (if any of you perthies want to earn some money my lecturer's looking for more models) and designing jackets inspired by these sculptures in the art gallery of wa-

on the down side, i have to study marketing which makes my whole body ache with the awfulness of it. all i want to do is make clothes, i dislike the idea that i have to "research my market" and play to all that consumerist stuff. i am uncomfortable enough with the whole industry without having it rubbed in my face.
anyway, i suppose i shant be doing much except homework until the weekend but i will see some of you on saturday and i might even end up at amplifier on friday so i could see some then too. who knows? until then

Unfortunately Mr Cooly and I were far too tired for pillow fights and nakedness. To be honest, I think he's all talk. Besides, I don't think SB is quite ready for this jelly, to coin a phrase.
Hey I could use some extra cash, I'm good a being still for long periods of time... I sit on my butt all day