Firstly, the cat was found and then lost again and then re-found and it's been generally decided that she's an idiot. Silly beast.
Secondly, I'm in San Francisco. It's fucking brilliant and I'm totally in love with this city. Who wouldn't love a place that has wild parrots that live in a city park, a fortune cookie factory where you can get your own messages put in the cookies, a seaside arcade parlour with Victorian nickelodians and eucalyptus trees everywhere (it's nice to have a reminder of home). The hostel that I'm staying in is ridiculously friendly and cool, which is a nice change after my New York place of rest. I've met a bunch of people who I can have more than the standard "where are you from, where are you going" travel converstaion with and we've been hanging out and discussing life, the universe and silly things as seems fitting in SF.
Things I've been doing include: hiring a bike with a girl from the hostel and cycling around the bay and across the Golden Gate Bridge, drinking in the Mission with couple of girls who work at the hostel (both called Emily, which makes things easier) ending in shots of something called Underberg (which was hellish) and a taxi ride with a hilarious Indian driver who cranked the dance music, flicked the interior lights and braked in time whilst crying "shake it like your mama gave you!" in a thick Indian accent, walked around the Haight with all the hippie left-overs and hung out in the sunshine pretending it was the 60's, walked a labyrinth in a cathedral on top of a hill, caught the cable-car like a real tourist, had proper b&w photobooth pictures taken on the pier, seen an awesome exhibition at SFMoMA, walked up a lot of hills, bought books in an anarchist, community-run bookstore and had a couple of drinks with my friend Mona from London in a bar called Mr Bing's Cocktails (it had a neon sign with a martini glass so we figured it was legit).
The weather's been perfect, all sunshine and fog, and the whole city feels like a breath of fresh air after New York. Which is not to say that NY was no fun, there was food, drink and merriment a plenty, but it's a really tiring city and one in which I felt like I needed to keep my guard up all the time. On the positive side, I did get to hang out with my cousin and her (stupidly cute) dog. We went brunching and flea marketing and drinking in the Lower East Side. It was fantastic to see her; we figured that we hadn't seen each other for about 8 years but we get along like a house on fire and it was nice to have a British accent to help ease me into the American drawl. I also caught up with another British friend of mine who's been living there, she took me to a subterranean bar filled with games, jazz and PBR one night, followed by dim sum in the depths of Brooklyn a couple of days later and finally a cupcake and dumpling date (in separate places) in the LES. If it seems like all I did in New York was eat you'd not be too far off the truth, though I did see some excellent exhibitions and do some excellent shopping as well. A girl's got to have balance, you know?
Anyway, that's been my partial travels in list form, my brain's clouding over now so I'll leave it there. I'm off to Tokyo next and then to Sydney to see all you SG folk and regale you with my worldly tales and shower you with kawaii Hello Kitty miscellanea. Or something.
Secondly, I'm in San Francisco. It's fucking brilliant and I'm totally in love with this city. Who wouldn't love a place that has wild parrots that live in a city park, a fortune cookie factory where you can get your own messages put in the cookies, a seaside arcade parlour with Victorian nickelodians and eucalyptus trees everywhere (it's nice to have a reminder of home). The hostel that I'm staying in is ridiculously friendly and cool, which is a nice change after my New York place of rest. I've met a bunch of people who I can have more than the standard "where are you from, where are you going" travel converstaion with and we've been hanging out and discussing life, the universe and silly things as seems fitting in SF.
Things I've been doing include: hiring a bike with a girl from the hostel and cycling around the bay and across the Golden Gate Bridge, drinking in the Mission with couple of girls who work at the hostel (both called Emily, which makes things easier) ending in shots of something called Underberg (which was hellish) and a taxi ride with a hilarious Indian driver who cranked the dance music, flicked the interior lights and braked in time whilst crying "shake it like your mama gave you!" in a thick Indian accent, walked around the Haight with all the hippie left-overs and hung out in the sunshine pretending it was the 60's, walked a labyrinth in a cathedral on top of a hill, caught the cable-car like a real tourist, had proper b&w photobooth pictures taken on the pier, seen an awesome exhibition at SFMoMA, walked up a lot of hills, bought books in an anarchist, community-run bookstore and had a couple of drinks with my friend Mona from London in a bar called Mr Bing's Cocktails (it had a neon sign with a martini glass so we figured it was legit).
The weather's been perfect, all sunshine and fog, and the whole city feels like a breath of fresh air after New York. Which is not to say that NY was no fun, there was food, drink and merriment a plenty, but it's a really tiring city and one in which I felt like I needed to keep my guard up all the time. On the positive side, I did get to hang out with my cousin and her (stupidly cute) dog. We went brunching and flea marketing and drinking in the Lower East Side. It was fantastic to see her; we figured that we hadn't seen each other for about 8 years but we get along like a house on fire and it was nice to have a British accent to help ease me into the American drawl. I also caught up with another British friend of mine who's been living there, she took me to a subterranean bar filled with games, jazz and PBR one night, followed by dim sum in the depths of Brooklyn a couple of days later and finally a cupcake and dumpling date (in separate places) in the LES. If it seems like all I did in New York was eat you'd not be too far off the truth, though I did see some excellent exhibitions and do some excellent shopping as well. A girl's got to have balance, you know?
Anyway, that's been my partial travels in list form, my brain's clouding over now so I'll leave it there. I'm off to Tokyo next and then to Sydney to see all you SG folk and regale you with my worldly tales and shower you with kawaii Hello Kitty miscellanea. Or something.
So show me your pictures. I want to see your lovely pictures and die of the jealousy. *pouts*
Jackie told me that you said I was queen of the internets! That is so cool. *stoked*