Spring's on its way and thank fuck for that. I love winter an almost unhealthy amount but dear heavens it's time for change in both the weather and me. It's been a very revelation-y week round these parts, lots of self discovery and such, and I feel like I've woken up from hibernation or something.
kick out the gloom
kick out the blues
tear out the pages with all the bad news
pull down the mirrors and pull down the walls
tear up the stairs and tear up the floors
oh just burn down the house!
burn down the street!
turn everything red and the beat is complete
with the sound of your world
going up in fire
it's a perfect day to throw back your head
and kiss it all goodbye
Much of my year has been spent being subtly miserable; moping about things that could've been, wishing for things to be different and living in either the past or the future or sometimes both and it's just not worth it. Which, for clarity's sake, doesn't mean the person I've been tying my self in knots about isn't worth it, he's pretty awesome actually, it just means I really need to start living in the present.
cuz when i look down
i just miss all the good stuff
when i look up
i just trip over things
I need to appreciate what I have right now; a girl who loves me and has stuck with me despite all my ridiculous issues, an awesome boy who is an excellent friend and who still comes out dancing with me, studies that are challenging and exciting that I have a genuine passion for, a really fucking nice house and two insane cats. I'm not doing too badly for myself really and it's time to sit up and take notice.
I don't know when I became this person but it's time for a change. Time to get some sun on my skin, sketch up my collection and stay revelationed. Wish me luck.