On a superficial note:
I've been lusting after these shoes for a good couple of months now.

I found them on a site that didn't ship to anywhere outside the UK and had almost given up hope of ever owning them until I found that the company who makes them had set up an online shop. Now they are winging their way to me and in a week or two (hopefully) my feets will be happily housed in their wonderfulness. Hurray!
Partially out of curiousity and partially in an attempt to get more than a slightly disheartening two comments I ask you, what have you been lusting after recently?
On a more superficial note:
Has anyone noticed how many little poplettes have those weird veneers on their teeth? Hilary, Christina, Avril, if you're reading this, you look like a BeeJee with your too-white, too-perfect teeth. Take them off. Really.
Edited to add:
Look what I did to myself at work. I am a certified unco! I have a card and all.
I've been lusting after these shoes for a good couple of months now.

I found them on a site that didn't ship to anywhere outside the UK and had almost given up hope of ever owning them until I found that the company who makes them had set up an online shop. Now they are winging their way to me and in a week or two (hopefully) my feets will be happily housed in their wonderfulness. Hurray!
Partially out of curiousity and partially in an attempt to get more than a slightly disheartening two comments I ask you, what have you been lusting after recently?
On a more superficial note:
Has anyone noticed how many little poplettes have those weird veneers on their teeth? Hilary, Christina, Avril, if you're reading this, you look like a BeeJee with your too-white, too-perfect teeth. Take them off. Really.
Edited to add:
Look what I did to myself at work. I am a certified unco! I have a card and all.
There is always that risk though that, while on a drunken, random iTunes bender, you may see some Belinda Carlisle, or maybe even Avril, flick across the top of my profile. But y'know what? I'm ok with that.
Ms. cleverthings makes a pretty convincing arguement, don't cha think? You working Saturday night at all? Fancy serving me some drinks?