Big news:
All your good lucks must have pleased the Visa Gods because Miss Kat managed to get hers a couple of weeks ago! Apparently our relationship is "genuine and lasting", an oddly satisfying bit of validation from the federal government. The interview was one of the scariest things I think I've ever done, I had butterflies-a-go-go and I think Kat would've been sick if it wasn't extremely rude to throw up on a stranger's desk while they decide on your visa application, but once it was done the interviewer went out the back to "look at our folder" and came back 10 minutes later with a little sticker for her passport. It was crazy. I was expecting some three month wait ended with a nervous envelope opening but no. Hurray for bureaucracy working on the side of good!
Small news:
Tafe is getting busy already and I've remembered why working and studying sucks so much. Oh well. Goodbye spare time and brain space, it's been fun and I'll see you next summer.
SG drinks on Saturday night were wonderful fun. It was, as always, great to see all you drunken SG people and nice to meet a couple more of you. I must apologise to anyone who I may have babbled random shit at. Apparently, not really eating since lunch and Rob buying drinks is a recipe for drunken Ellie. I blame Rob. Always blame Rob.
I got my hair cut -
I've been patting my undercut since I got it. I feel a little like a tennis ball.
All your good lucks must have pleased the Visa Gods because Miss Kat managed to get hers a couple of weeks ago! Apparently our relationship is "genuine and lasting", an oddly satisfying bit of validation from the federal government. The interview was one of the scariest things I think I've ever done, I had butterflies-a-go-go and I think Kat would've been sick if it wasn't extremely rude to throw up on a stranger's desk while they decide on your visa application, but once it was done the interviewer went out the back to "look at our folder" and came back 10 minutes later with a little sticker for her passport. It was crazy. I was expecting some three month wait ended with a nervous envelope opening but no. Hurray for bureaucracy working on the side of good!
Small news:
Tafe is getting busy already and I've remembered why working and studying sucks so much. Oh well. Goodbye spare time and brain space, it's been fun and I'll see you next summer.
SG drinks on Saturday night were wonderful fun. It was, as always, great to see all you drunken SG people and nice to meet a couple more of you. I must apologise to anyone who I may have babbled random shit at. Apparently, not really eating since lunch and Rob buying drinks is a recipe for drunken Ellie. I blame Rob. Always blame Rob.
I got my hair cut -

I've been patting my undercut since I got it. I feel a little like a tennis ball.
You have a great look!!!