*sigh* I wrote a big update and then was foolish enough to close the window without saving it. So I'm afraid you get highlights and more photos because I really can't be arsed re-writing the whole thing. Sorry.
I went to see a very French film at The Somerville last night. For all you non-Perth based people, The Somerville is one of the open air cinemas that springs up every summer, they show films related to the Perth International Arts Festival so mostly they show crazy french films and films about civil wars. Kat and I chose the first option and saw The Ax, a social satire based around a retrenched man who decides to kill off his opposition to improve his chances of finding work. It was funny, shocking, sad, very very French and well done to boot. I do love outdoor cinema-ing ever so.
In other news, I was accepted to Tafe for the 'second year' of my course (it's actually three one year courses that follow one after another so I had to apply for the second year), which I wasn't too worried about but which is still nice to know. Enrolment is tomorrow and I think we go back around the 6th, I can't wait to go back to having something to occupy my mind besides Buffy and petty work annoyances. Hurrah!
Also, Miss Kat and I have our visa application interview on the 10th. I'm so nervous about it. My aunt has given me the number of a man who works in the Dept of Immigration who might be able to give us a general idea of what the hell they'll be asking us, which may be helpful. The whole thing is very vague and it's like a weight in my stomach, I can feel the rising panic when I think too hard about it. So I'm trying not to, it usually works. *deep breaths*
That's about it, my friends. There were a lot more words than I meant for there to be and far less photos. Oh well! I hope you're all doing wonderfully, I haven't had much spare time to do my journal reading but hopefully I will soon.
until then.
I went to see a very French film at The Somerville last night. For all you non-Perth based people, The Somerville is one of the open air cinemas that springs up every summer, they show films related to the Perth International Arts Festival so mostly they show crazy french films and films about civil wars. Kat and I chose the first option and saw The Ax, a social satire based around a retrenched man who decides to kill off his opposition to improve his chances of finding work. It was funny, shocking, sad, very very French and well done to boot. I do love outdoor cinema-ing ever so.

In other news, I was accepted to Tafe for the 'second year' of my course (it's actually three one year courses that follow one after another so I had to apply for the second year), which I wasn't too worried about but which is still nice to know. Enrolment is tomorrow and I think we go back around the 6th, I can't wait to go back to having something to occupy my mind besides Buffy and petty work annoyances. Hurrah!
Also, Miss Kat and I have our visa application interview on the 10th. I'm so nervous about it. My aunt has given me the number of a man who works in the Dept of Immigration who might be able to give us a general idea of what the hell they'll be asking us, which may be helpful. The whole thing is very vague and it's like a weight in my stomach, I can feel the rising panic when I think too hard about it. So I'm trying not to, it usually works. *deep breaths*
That's about it, my friends. There were a lot more words than I meant for there to be and far less photos. Oh well! I hope you're all doing wonderfully, I haven't had much spare time to do my journal reading but hopefully I will soon.

I like outdoor cinema'ness too, especially when u can take a picnic.
I havent done the swimming pool outdoor cinema yet though, but I might have to try it.
Yes we will get matching Geta Sandals, and we will karankoron around town in them. Very cool.
Yes the pizza was very sickening, and i went and laid in bed after and made groaning sounds of the un fun variety.
Whats wrong with having buffy occupying ur mind? Are you mocking a large part of my life?