Hmm, so ampersand tagged me and I have to think of twenty interesting things about me to tell you. Here goes...
1. I always hated tag in primary school. My favourite game (in year 3) was Batman where the entire class would join hands and run around in a circle yelling na na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na na, BATMAN!. On Batman wed all fall down. Best. Game. Ever.
2. Months of getting up early when my ladyfriend goes to work have led to me devolping a worrying understanding of Yu-gi-oh.
3. I have a younger sister, she studies architecture and shared my childhood obsession with CareBears.
4. I have developed a habit of collecting old furniture to 'fix up'. At the moment I have two falling apart tables and a filing cabinet that doesn't quite work.
5. I worked in The Ship pub in Soho, London for almost two years, they might have been two of the best years I've ever had.
6. I've always chewed my nails. Always.
7. My bookshelf currently has 163 books on it, most of them read.
8. I can't garden. I like to but my black thumb kills everything.
9. I usually have dinner with my family once a week, we get drunk and talk about random crap and the evening usually ends with my dad telling me that he loves me, which is sweet but slightly uncomfortable.
10. In year 11 I played Pickering in my school's production of My Fair Lady. It was great, I got to eat cake on stage.
11. I own 5 pairs of chucks at the moment. Most of them are falling apart.
12. I wear glasses (as you can see in my previous post) but only for reading.
13. I tend to not think too far in advance. It gets me in trouble sometimes but it's also very freeing.
14. I can't play any instruments. I've learnt the piano, the flute and a little of the guitar but none of it has stuck. I can kinda sing though.
15. I'm addicted to edamame.
16. Someone once bought me a single by the Spice Girls for Christmas. I think it was Wanabe.
17. I've never majorly injured myself. My sister was a very accident prone child and I was always jealous. Yes, I've always been an attention whore.
18. I have never bought anything from the TV although I've always been tempted by those little slicer things they sell on Burt Newton's show.
19. I get terrible period pains. I spend at least a day a month curled up in bed, whining quietly.
20. My favorite films when I was a kid were Labyrinth, Pippi Longstockings and The Goonies.
Do you feel like you know me more intimately now? Or perhaps just more randomly? Part of the deal is that I have to tag people now so I choose
alita (to help distract her from thesis work) and _rob_.
1. I always hated tag in primary school. My favourite game (in year 3) was Batman where the entire class would join hands and run around in a circle yelling na na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na na, BATMAN!. On Batman wed all fall down. Best. Game. Ever.
2. Months of getting up early when my ladyfriend goes to work have led to me devolping a worrying understanding of Yu-gi-oh.
3. I have a younger sister, she studies architecture and shared my childhood obsession with CareBears.
4. I have developed a habit of collecting old furniture to 'fix up'. At the moment I have two falling apart tables and a filing cabinet that doesn't quite work.
5. I worked in The Ship pub in Soho, London for almost two years, they might have been two of the best years I've ever had.
6. I've always chewed my nails. Always.
7. My bookshelf currently has 163 books on it, most of them read.
8. I can't garden. I like to but my black thumb kills everything.
9. I usually have dinner with my family once a week, we get drunk and talk about random crap and the evening usually ends with my dad telling me that he loves me, which is sweet but slightly uncomfortable.
10. In year 11 I played Pickering in my school's production of My Fair Lady. It was great, I got to eat cake on stage.
11. I own 5 pairs of chucks at the moment. Most of them are falling apart.
12. I wear glasses (as you can see in my previous post) but only for reading.
13. I tend to not think too far in advance. It gets me in trouble sometimes but it's also very freeing.
14. I can't play any instruments. I've learnt the piano, the flute and a little of the guitar but none of it has stuck. I can kinda sing though.
15. I'm addicted to edamame.
16. Someone once bought me a single by the Spice Girls for Christmas. I think it was Wanabe.
17. I've never majorly injured myself. My sister was a very accident prone child and I was always jealous. Yes, I've always been an attention whore.
18. I have never bought anything from the TV although I've always been tempted by those little slicer things they sell on Burt Newton's show.
19. I get terrible period pains. I spend at least a day a month curled up in bed, whining quietly.
20. My favorite films when I was a kid were Labyrinth, Pippi Longstockings and The Goonies.
Do you feel like you know me more intimately now? Or perhaps just more randomly? Part of the deal is that I have to tag people now so I choose
alita (to help distract her from thesis work) and _rob_.
I have to buy them again, ahhh I love reliving childhood memories... But I always get sad.. I always feel as though the best years are slipping by and im stuck behind a desk in an office.. BAH!