Hi folks,
Sorry I have become so lazy about updating and commenting on other peoples blogs, I havent even made it into chat in forever.
This is mainly cause I started my new job and I am working all sorts of crazy hours, suffice to say I have 174 hours rota'd for July but still managed 16 days off in the month. Like I said all sorts of long ass crazy shifts! But the work is good, I drove to Ayr the other day sat in the car reading my book for 2 hours then drove back, and got paid a nice wage to do it, lol
I had to take my dreads out to go for a brain MRI scan the other week and was not allowed to put the back in till my results came through just incase i needed another scan. Luckily the results have showed no nasty tumors or other weird things just the inflamation of some of the tissue surrounding my brain which is an indication of continual migraine disorder and where it is explains why my eye sight is not so good in my right eye. Anyhow now that its all investigated I can get new wonderfully strong drugs and my dreads can go back in.
I start university in 3 weeks time, and im shit scared, I am nowhere near where I should be with my reading and studying. I also have a whack of studying to do for work as well so its gonna be a very busy time!
Anyhow I hope everyone is well!
Love MD
Sorry I have become so lazy about updating and commenting on other peoples blogs, I havent even made it into chat in forever.
This is mainly cause I started my new job and I am working all sorts of crazy hours, suffice to say I have 174 hours rota'd for July but still managed 16 days off in the month. Like I said all sorts of long ass crazy shifts! But the work is good, I drove to Ayr the other day sat in the car reading my book for 2 hours then drove back, and got paid a nice wage to do it, lol
I had to take my dreads out to go for a brain MRI scan the other week and was not allowed to put the back in till my results came through just incase i needed another scan. Luckily the results have showed no nasty tumors or other weird things just the inflamation of some of the tissue surrounding my brain which is an indication of continual migraine disorder and where it is explains why my eye sight is not so good in my right eye. Anyhow now that its all investigated I can get new wonderfully strong drugs and my dreads can go back in.
I start university in 3 weeks time, and im shit scared, I am nowhere near where I should be with my reading and studying. I also have a whack of studying to do for work as well so its gonna be a very busy time!
Anyhow I hope everyone is well!
Love MD
ya missd, miss ya in chat

Nope I dont even have to try these days