here are some odd facts about me,
1. I cannot bear having the plams of my hands touched, it makes me physically shake and my blood turn cold. So much so that I can't even rub my own hands together to keep them warm.
2. I have broken my nose three times and displaced it once. First broken when falling head first out of the attic, broken again during some fun rough sex, displaced during a violent game of ultimate frisbee and finally broken by a surgeon during full rhinoplasty, septoplasty and turbenectomy.
3. I have a scar straight through my bellybutton from keyhole surgery to remove my gallbladder
4. I always have and always will be a daddys girl
5. I own a 1964 MG Midget, which I have restored with the help of my dad over the past 5 years. He is called Flash Harry after a family friend who once had a similar car with the same name. George unfortunatly commited suicide two years before I bought my car. it seemed a fitting tribute.
6. I dont have a fear of flying, just of being in an enclosed space and not in control
7. I love listening to my old East 17 and Steps albums and dancing around my room like an idiot whenever the mood takes me
8. I volunteer as a stage manager (also designing and building the sets) for 4 local amateur theatre companies. Yes I built he audrey plants which you can see in my random pics folder.
9. My favorite place in the world is on the clyde walkway, where there is a wooden bench, a tiny tiny tiny beach a rope swing and wild garlic all round. I have only ever visited this place with my boyfriend and I can't imagine it without him, its perfect.
10. I play the flute and currentlly play Piccolo for an ensemble in Glasgow. I love it and continue to learn new things everytime I play. My own flute is a solid silver affair since I have a major allergy to nickel.
Thats what I can think of right now for this random list, feel free to ask me other things tho
Luv MD
1. I cannot bear having the plams of my hands touched, it makes me physically shake and my blood turn cold. So much so that I can't even rub my own hands together to keep them warm.
2. I have broken my nose three times and displaced it once. First broken when falling head first out of the attic, broken again during some fun rough sex, displaced during a violent game of ultimate frisbee and finally broken by a surgeon during full rhinoplasty, septoplasty and turbenectomy.
3. I have a scar straight through my bellybutton from keyhole surgery to remove my gallbladder
4. I always have and always will be a daddys girl
5. I own a 1964 MG Midget, which I have restored with the help of my dad over the past 5 years. He is called Flash Harry after a family friend who once had a similar car with the same name. George unfortunatly commited suicide two years before I bought my car. it seemed a fitting tribute.
6. I dont have a fear of flying, just of being in an enclosed space and not in control
7. I love listening to my old East 17 and Steps albums and dancing around my room like an idiot whenever the mood takes me
8. I volunteer as a stage manager (also designing and building the sets) for 4 local amateur theatre companies. Yes I built he audrey plants which you can see in my random pics folder.
9. My favorite place in the world is on the clyde walkway, where there is a wooden bench, a tiny tiny tiny beach a rope swing and wild garlic all round. I have only ever visited this place with my boyfriend and I can't imagine it without him, its perfect.
10. I play the flute and currentlly play Piccolo for an ensemble in Glasgow. I love it and continue to learn new things everytime I play. My own flute is a solid silver affair since I have a major allergy to nickel.
Thats what I can think of right now for this random list, feel free to ask me other things tho
Luv MD
happy happy happy happy birthday darling!!!a lots of kisses for you !!

Happy Birthday!