So I was going to do the whole 2008 was a good year, this and that happend, blah blah blah . . . here's hoping that 2009 is just as good, BUT NO!
Instead Im going to have a rant, as so far this year has sucked!
So new years day was just another big family dinner, my boy decided not to join us and have a night in with his family, which i dont blame him for, was better than watching my little cousin masticating steak pie with her mouth open, and even at 13 a complete innability to use a knife and fork properly. She then took the huff because she lost at cards, I should explain that she is an only child and the youngest in the family by a bit so everyone bar me normally lets her win cause she is just a "wee girl" this has enevitably led to not being able to play a single game without her storming off if she isn't winning.
Friday 2nd was a day of nothingness, spent the day hiding under the duvet pretending that the world didnt exist due to the migrane forming, numbing the right hand side of my brain.
Saturday 3rd was eventful, my gran who had been ill over christmas and new year pressed her home alert system to trigger an emergency doctor and a phonecall to my mum. After all panic and hell broke loose trying to find out what had happened and when the doctor was coming, it turns out she has a severe chest infection and a heart rate of 150 beats per minute. It hasn't helped that she took 7 days worth of antibiotics in 5 days, so to sum up she is now in hospital, and will be for some time in the cardiac unit being watched incase she has a heart attack.
We had dinner that night at my aunts house, which had been arranged previously to my gran being taken in. Another evening painfully watching my little cousin desimate her food. After dinner I realised just how bad my eyesight has gotten while trying to play the Wii ski jumping. Apparently you are meant to line up the two dots in the top right hand of the screen to know you are on course for the right jump. I couldn't see the dots!!!!!
Sunday 4th Visited my gran, sat and did a huge portion of my wasjig jigsaw(sad but fun) and arranged to go for dinner with the lad.
Now one of my friends works as a midwife in london, but apparently had come home on the 27th December, I would'nt know this since she only seems interested in going out with my boy so has been texting him asking him out to the pub etc and hasnt even had the decency to txt and let me know she is home. So she txt him to see if he wanted to go out in town with her and another couple who we are friends with. He txt back to say he had arranged dinner with me. She txts back to say well if he was free after dinner he should go and join them.! Now it isn't a secret that he and I are dating, I don't expect to go everywhere with him, but I just find this all a litle odd and alarming. Would it have killed her to ask us both out to join her in town for a drink? Is she doing it all on purpose?
Monday 5th I JUST LOST MY JOB, some technicallity in the constitution means they have to readvertise the post, humph. Oh and the boy is away into town shopping with little miss fucking perfect midwife
Yeah so Happy New Year and if you made it to the end of the rant, well done.
Instead Im going to have a rant, as so far this year has sucked!
So new years day was just another big family dinner, my boy decided not to join us and have a night in with his family, which i dont blame him for, was better than watching my little cousin masticating steak pie with her mouth open, and even at 13 a complete innability to use a knife and fork properly. She then took the huff because she lost at cards, I should explain that she is an only child and the youngest in the family by a bit so everyone bar me normally lets her win cause she is just a "wee girl" this has enevitably led to not being able to play a single game without her storming off if she isn't winning.
Friday 2nd was a day of nothingness, spent the day hiding under the duvet pretending that the world didnt exist due to the migrane forming, numbing the right hand side of my brain.
Saturday 3rd was eventful, my gran who had been ill over christmas and new year pressed her home alert system to trigger an emergency doctor and a phonecall to my mum. After all panic and hell broke loose trying to find out what had happened and when the doctor was coming, it turns out she has a severe chest infection and a heart rate of 150 beats per minute. It hasn't helped that she took 7 days worth of antibiotics in 5 days, so to sum up she is now in hospital, and will be for some time in the cardiac unit being watched incase she has a heart attack.
We had dinner that night at my aunts house, which had been arranged previously to my gran being taken in. Another evening painfully watching my little cousin desimate her food. After dinner I realised just how bad my eyesight has gotten while trying to play the Wii ski jumping. Apparently you are meant to line up the two dots in the top right hand of the screen to know you are on course for the right jump. I couldn't see the dots!!!!!
Sunday 4th Visited my gran, sat and did a huge portion of my wasjig jigsaw(sad but fun) and arranged to go for dinner with the lad.
Now one of my friends works as a midwife in london, but apparently had come home on the 27th December, I would'nt know this since she only seems interested in going out with my boy so has been texting him asking him out to the pub etc and hasnt even had the decency to txt and let me know she is home. So she txt him to see if he wanted to go out in town with her and another couple who we are friends with. He txt back to say he had arranged dinner with me. She txts back to say well if he was free after dinner he should go and join them.! Now it isn't a secret that he and I are dating, I don't expect to go everywhere with him, but I just find this all a litle odd and alarming. Would it have killed her to ask us both out to join her in town for a drink? Is she doing it all on purpose?
Monday 5th I JUST LOST MY JOB, some technicallity in the constitution means they have to readvertise the post, humph. Oh and the boy is away into town shopping with little miss fucking perfect midwife

Yeah so Happy New Year and if you made it to the end of the rant, well done.
I was actually planning on going to Scottland for a trip once I had a few hundred pounds saved up. My passport just came in the mail so I'm all set once I work out travel and lodging.