OK this is it, I may have hummed and hawed over the past few months but i know for definate that right now I am not with the right person! I know who I should be with and he is being very good about all this, ie me being an arse, and waiting.
I just cant end and walk away from the guy im with just now due to a number of factors, but i know i have to do it at some point.
But im a happy bunny today anyway, just need to fnd a little quiet place to get married now
I just cant end and walk away from the guy im with just now due to a number of factors, but i know i have to do it at some point.
But im a happy bunny today anyway, just need to fnd a little quiet place to get married now
Ps. i LOVE LOVE LOVE the blue heels in your profile pic.. they are.. fantastic!