Exciting news! I did a reading for a horror movie, and got the lead role! I'm so excited! We start filming in the fall in Texas! It's going to be so fun and creepy. I get to ghost hunt anddd climb out of dead bodies and stuff! =D
I am obsessed with horror. Movies, music, decor, anything. Isn't it fun? I don't know why.
Well I haven't been doing many entries because I've been super busy and also very sick.. I totaled my car and got a concussion which I've had for like a month. It sucks but I got lots of free drugs! =D
The headaches have actually gone away the past few days which is awesome. But on top of that, I got a wisdom tooth out then got dry socket!! If you know what that is.... then basically there is a god and he hates me.
haha the hole still hasn't closed up and it is awfully painful.. but I look on the brightside.. more free drugs!
I have a new job project working with punkrockvids.com. So stoked about that. I'll be interviewing bands at their shows. coming up I'm doing; Ratatat, Tokyo Police Club, and The Black Keys.
After the first couple videos I'll be on prv's staff, and I'll be the only girl =D
Who went to Warped? I went to a few dates, it was awesome. You probably saw me riding around on my Barbie scooter. Yeah that was me.
Well over and out for now!
p.s. I feel like doing another SG shoot soon, so LOOKOUT!
Song of the day: Over and Out by Alkaline Trio
I am obsessed with horror. Movies, music, decor, anything. Isn't it fun? I don't know why.
Well I haven't been doing many entries because I've been super busy and also very sick.. I totaled my car and got a concussion which I've had for like a month. It sucks but I got lots of free drugs! =D
The headaches have actually gone away the past few days which is awesome. But on top of that, I got a wisdom tooth out then got dry socket!! If you know what that is.... then basically there is a god and he hates me.
haha the hole still hasn't closed up and it is awfully painful.. but I look on the brightside.. more free drugs!
I have a new job project working with punkrockvids.com. So stoked about that. I'll be interviewing bands at their shows. coming up I'm doing; Ratatat, Tokyo Police Club, and The Black Keys.
After the first couple videos I'll be on prv's staff, and I'll be the only girl =D
Who went to Warped? I went to a few dates, it was awesome. You probably saw me riding around on my Barbie scooter. Yeah that was me.
Well over and out for now!
p.s. I feel like doing another SG shoot soon, so LOOKOUT!
Song of the day: Over and Out by Alkaline Trio
I just got back from seeing Alkaline Trio and it was amazing!! I was right next to the speakers and my head is still ringing, haha 

If that works you gotta try and see if you can get me an autograph or something