mmmm just finished a loveley bubble bath! After jamming out 3 times in a row to "Into The Groove" at the end of Desperately Seeking Susan. It was so fun.
I also rocked it in the car on the way to purchase the movie, and I made VIDEOS!!!! I am turned sideways though. hahahhaa I am probably making a fool of myself, but this is what a typical car ride is like with me!
I dance about and sing terribly!
*edit* I have never uploaded a video to youtube and now when I want to it says they're doing maintenance right now haha LAMEOO!
You will just have to wait until tomorrow to see the videos.. I know you're disappointed..
Rene is my current favorite person ever. He found 2 of my songs I was searching for. But he's not my favorite just because of that! If we were radios or ipods or something, we would be married. Our music compatability is phenomenal. (Unless we're at =P) But seriously, we hunt music and stumble upon great music so randomly. I'm so glad I met him!
I have court at 8:30 in the morning. fack.
TELL MEEEE about your criminal experiences. =D
OR if that is not applicable, tell me what soaps you use in the shower =D
I'm a creep, I know.
Songs of the day: "Shake It" By Metro Station & "Into The Groove" By Madonna OR The Medic Droid =D
lovelove you all
I also rocked it in the car on the way to purchase the movie, and I made VIDEOS!!!! I am turned sideways though. hahahhaa I am probably making a fool of myself, but this is what a typical car ride is like with me!
I dance about and sing terribly!
*edit* I have never uploaded a video to youtube and now when I want to it says they're doing maintenance right now haha LAMEOO!
You will just have to wait until tomorrow to see the videos.. I know you're disappointed..
Rene is my current favorite person ever. He found 2 of my songs I was searching for. But he's not my favorite just because of that! If we were radios or ipods or something, we would be married. Our music compatability is phenomenal. (Unless we're at =P) But seriously, we hunt music and stumble upon great music so randomly. I'm so glad I met him!
I have court at 8:30 in the morning. fack.
TELL MEEEE about your criminal experiences. =D
OR if that is not applicable, tell me what soaps you use in the shower =D
I'm a creep, I know.
Songs of the day: "Shake It" By Metro Station & "Into The Groove" By Madonna OR The Medic Droid =D
lovelove you all
I just sent you an awesome song! 

Ive been to traffic court, and Ive been arrested and held for a court date two other times, for things worse that traffic BS lol. good luck