Halloween decorations are up! YAY!
I love Halloween. We did it all last night. We still have some stuff to fix but that won't take long. And tomorrow is pumpkin carving night!!! I just hate it that the coolest home stuff only comes out on Halloween (have you guys seen the Target bedding, towels and table sets with "dark" themes??? It's just awesome).
I wonder how long it will take me to finish decorating my house...
I'm feeling much better - got sick last Saturday after the wedding - and restarted my exercise routine. Running down to the beach, walking on the sand and running back home.
Because I was sick and didn't exercise all last week I didn't make it to the Breast Cancer Walk I was practicing for the last month - which made me really grumpy - BUT, I was watching Extreme Makeover - Home Edition and they give a website you can go to to volunteer and raise money to your cause of preference.
Just go to www.goodsearch.com and learn how if you are interested!
Also, I had my driving test. My appointment was for 1:30. I got there about 1:15. There was a line. Took me about 20 min. to get the paperwork checked and going. Headed to the car line and set there for a little over an hour. We started the test at 3:20 and were done at 3:40. If I only knew I had to be there an hour early I would've sat there an hour earlier so I could actually accomplish everything I had to today. BUT, I passed.

So that's already one out of the way.
I'm buying some stuff off of the SG sales group and can't wait to have it in my hands!! I'm SUPER excited. It's gonna be my first purchase in a really long time. (NOT!!)
This past Sunday I went for my morning run and remembered one of my friends was having a garage sale. She wouldn't let me pay for anything, which I felt bad for, but she convinced me once she said she was just happy it was out of her hands. THAT SOUNDS GOOD TO ME!!!
How was your weekend?!?!
And, the cliche question of the season: what are you gonna be for Halloween?!?! I'm thinking about Cheetara if I find and orange bathing suit. Otherwise, I'll stick to some kind of too much make up zombie lady...

I wonder how long it will take me to finish decorating my house...

I'm feeling much better - got sick last Saturday after the wedding - and restarted my exercise routine. Running down to the beach, walking on the sand and running back home.
Because I was sick and didn't exercise all last week I didn't make it to the Breast Cancer Walk I was practicing for the last month - which made me really grumpy - BUT, I was watching Extreme Makeover - Home Edition and they give a website you can go to to volunteer and raise money to your cause of preference.
Just go to www.goodsearch.com and learn how if you are interested!
Also, I had my driving test. My appointment was for 1:30. I got there about 1:15. There was a line. Took me about 20 min. to get the paperwork checked and going. Headed to the car line and set there for a little over an hour. We started the test at 3:20 and were done at 3:40. If I only knew I had to be there an hour early I would've sat there an hour earlier so I could actually accomplish everything I had to today. BUT, I passed.

I'm buying some stuff off of the SG sales group and can't wait to have it in my hands!! I'm SUPER excited. It's gonna be my first purchase in a really long time. (NOT!!)
This past Sunday I went for my morning run and remembered one of my friends was having a garage sale. She wouldn't let me pay for anything, which I felt bad for, but she convinced me once she said she was just happy it was out of her hands. THAT SOUNDS GOOD TO ME!!!
How was your weekend?!?!
And, the cliche question of the season: what are you gonna be for Halloween?!?! I'm thinking about Cheetara if I find and orange bathing suit. Otherwise, I'll stick to some kind of too much make up zombie lady...

Kill me now....