Good evening everyone,
the first day of my set Asscobar is over and i'm very thankful for every single comment and most to them who loved it. I was so afraid that you don't like it. i wish i become more lovers
For everybody who doesn't see it yet :
the first day of my set Asscobar is over and i'm very thankful for every single comment and most to them who loved it. I was so afraid that you don't like it. i wish i become more lovers

For everybody who doesn't see it yet :
to an other theme: I want to dyeing my hair pink, should i let it or not? An excemple for it: This is me from 3 years ago:
I don't no because it's so deadly for the hair, but i miss the color....mmmh maybe you can help me by my adjudication!
P.S. Does anyone have experience in photoshop or something like that, i want to make a banner for Myspace to my SG Profile
Pink hair, PINK HAIR!