So, I joined a group of girls to play Bunco once a month. It's a very tame girls night out, with girls who I don't know very well. We played last month and it was a great time. This Friday is the February Bunco night.
Work has been pretty busy lately. I've been there a year and I'm still learning a lot. Especially now with doing a lot more construction projects.
I don't know why I started this blog... I don't have much to say. It felt like I was going to have plenty to go on about, but I guess not
Work has been pretty busy lately. I've been there a year and I'm still learning a lot. Especially now with doing a lot more construction projects.
I don't know why I started this blog... I don't have much to say. It felt like I was going to have plenty to go on about, but I guess not

That's the point to all social things. Well it sounds like something I'd really need to be convinced to do. But that's not necessarily means I don't want to 

That's really cool, you mean double on top of the SGAZ girls night out?