Life is crazy right now. My kids are crazy, my husband's crazy, I'm crazy and we're all just a bunch of crazies!!!
Lately, it's just been kids, work, school! Gonna probably go do some after Thanksgiving shopping. I've only done that once in my life and it was horrendous.
My car needs some work. It's pulling to the right and needs an oil change.
I have to get on my final papers for the school year.
Twins are going with my parents to Rocky Point on Friday and J and I are going to get them on Saturday. We're just going to take a day trip. A friend of mine and her 5 year old son are going to ride down with us. Her husband decided he was going to be a meth head all of a sudden, so she doesn't want to be alone or around her family for the Holidays. Talk about drama with this girl. I hate drama. With a passion. I would kill drama if it was in human form.
We're refinancing the house. I wish it would hurry up and be finished...
I want to see Harry Potter so bad, and Jarhead and Rent.
I'm going to see Chippendales on 12/2 with my girls!!! We're going to follow it up with dancing and drinking!
Soooooo... that's part of the nutshell that is my life.
Lately, it's just been kids, work, school! Gonna probably go do some after Thanksgiving shopping. I've only done that once in my life and it was horrendous.
My car needs some work. It's pulling to the right and needs an oil change.
I have to get on my final papers for the school year.
Twins are going with my parents to Rocky Point on Friday and J and I are going to get them on Saturday. We're just going to take a day trip. A friend of mine and her 5 year old son are going to ride down with us. Her husband decided he was going to be a meth head all of a sudden, so she doesn't want to be alone or around her family for the Holidays. Talk about drama with this girl. I hate drama. With a passion. I would kill drama if it was in human form.
We're refinancing the house. I wish it would hurry up and be finished...
I want to see Harry Potter so bad, and Jarhead and Rent.
I'm going to see Chippendales on 12/2 with my girls!!! We're going to follow it up with dancing and drinking!
Soooooo... that's part of the nutshell that is my life.
yes its a movie made by black flys its got a bunch of surfing and crazy piercing stuff all kinds of stuff kinda like the ckys if you seen them before
It was good I saw Harry Potter.