I Hope everyone had as great of a Christmas as I did! I Decided to take the whole week off of school w/ a docs note. Robin (gorgeous blond in my pics) coming down last weekend was wonderful. Shit happened, so we only spent one day, one full night & one evening together but we had sssoo much fun. Wild and crazy girlie mischief
I love my girl and miss her being in Dallas very much.
Spent Xmas Eve at Jen's house for a fun & very respectable evening of cocktails and conversation. (see, I CAN act like an adult... if backed into a corner and poked with a big sharp stick!
) Xmas day was relaxing, jus me 'n ma boy(..and dogs). In keeping with the spirit of Xmas we took to gorging on chocolate and watching Scarface. Xmas evening Leah, Mick, Paul, Sheri, Dixie Dirt & Ken came over for dinner and drinks. Tim deep fried a monsterous Fowl to perfection, whilst I
cooked all the trimmings! Topped off with wine & vodka drinks and a spliff or two, the evening was very civilized fun and a great success!
I LOVE the holiday season, especially when spent in the company of lovers and true friends! And those thieving gypsy bastards thought they could bring me down???HA! you'll have to try harder than that Biotches!

Spent Xmas Eve at Jen's house for a fun & very respectable evening of cocktails and conversation. (see, I CAN act like an adult... if backed into a corner and poked with a big sharp stick!

cooked all the trimmings! Topped off with wine & vodka drinks and a spliff or two, the evening was very civilized fun and a great success!

Think of all the things you've done lately that we don't know about....Quit holding out!
Oh, Happy New Year kiss