I'm no more in strike!!!!!
but my session is gonna end between 15-22 june instead of 12 may..... that sucks a lot....
One month less of work and fun for the summer... ho well...
I NEED MONEY!!!!!!!! aaarrggg!!!!!
oh.... and next week I have to endup 4 school projects....
even if I dont sleep for all that time.. Its just imposible !!! I really dont know what I'm gonna do! I have to go to my 14 hours of work.... its already not a lot of hours, and I need cash! Ho well.... I think I will put my boyfriend on the side for this weekend and next week! But I dont think its gonna change a lot.. I dont see him much already!
Speaking of my boyfriend, I dont think i'm ever gonne give him weed cake again........
Monday we eated some, it was ok as always! But it was like is first time... And in the middle of the night he woke me up paranoying about is heart, throat and head!!! And he wanted me to wake up my father in the middle of the night to go to the hospital.....
NO WAY!!! so I calmed him down a little, and he got back to sleep! it was freak! I just had one badtrip like six years ago on mush! So I didn't no much how to react! And its even harder wehn your so stoned like I was! lol
ANyway I have to go .... there's alot of work waiting!!! see you all soon If i dont drawn in it!

but my session is gonna end between 15-22 june instead of 12 may..... that sucks a lot....

I NEED MONEY!!!!!!!! aaarrggg!!!!!
oh.... and next week I have to endup 4 school projects....

Speaking of my boyfriend, I dont think i'm ever gonne give him weed cake again........

ANyway I have to go .... there's alot of work waiting!!! see you all soon If i dont drawn in it!

Keep your spirits up. That's what's going to kill you in the end, I know, I've been there.
hummm.... last entry april...