There'S TOO much birthdays in April!!!! Tonight It's gonna be the party at Le deux Pierrots In mONtral! My little Catherine's Gonna be 21! And tomorow is a suprise party for mile! And sunday is my mother birthday! Speaking of my mom, she's gonna get married the 7 may!!! I cant wait! But I have a lot of dificulties to find a dress... I'm verry selective and have a little overweight, so it's even more hard!
oH... and these days, men are weird....
They always look at me like there gonna rape me..... it's discusting!
When i speek of men, i mean men in de 40-50.... yesterday after my job i was speaking outside on my cell. And there was a man who past like 4 time in is car watching me like I was A big peice of meet ready to eat! It was freaky... I can say that I was glad to have my bike!
anyway I have to get ready for tonight! see you all later!
oH... and these days, men are weird....

anyway I have to get ready for tonight! see you all later!

People in general are weird these days. Then again I work in a porn shop, so all I see are creeps every day. Still beats working at a call center thou

Strikes are not cool. School is a wonderous thing., I'm going back for hair design but someday I wouldn't mind spending a few years in a nice university or art college.