It's been a while!! I was not home! How come?! Well you see 'cause of my studies, I still live at ma father's house. And this week He have a week of vacation with his girlfriend. So.... He trow me out for a week! Yup, mister wanna have some quality time whit his fucking little bitch! "So, go to hell you daughter of me! " So for a week I have to crash at friends houses!
But it's great because I can have a sociable life! lately I dont feel pretty well, and in those time I luck myself up in my room and shut the worl around me! So wath's appening to me right now is a good occasion to change my mind a little bit and see good friends!
Wow, I eated too much popcorn and now I think I'm gonna throw up... When I have popcorn in front of me , I just cant stop!!!! hmmmmm popcornnnnn...... yurk
Well I think that the best for me is to stop eating. point. Wheter i'm sick or Wheter I roll....
Just Jokking! I love to much food! Heating is one of the greatest plasure in life! Of course After sex and sleep!
Speaking of sleep, That's where i'm going! so see ya ! And take care everyone! I love you!

It's been a while!! I was not home! How come?! Well you see 'cause of my studies, I still live at ma father's house. And this week He have a week of vacation with his girlfriend. So.... He trow me out for a week! Yup, mister wanna have some quality time whit his fucking little bitch! "So, go to hell you daughter of me! " So for a week I have to crash at friends houses!
But it's great because I can have a sociable life! lately I dont feel pretty well, and in those time I luck myself up in my room and shut the worl around me! So wath's appening to me right now is a good occasion to change my mind a little bit and see good friends!
Wow, I eated too much popcorn and now I think I'm gonna throw up... When I have popcorn in front of me , I just cant stop!!!! hmmmmm popcornnnnn...... yurk

Speaking of sleep, That's where i'm going! so see ya ! And take care everyone! I love you!

et je suis completement d'accord.... la nourriture is fucking tasty!! je ne pourrais jamais etre anorexic..... et dormir... mmm....
shit mang.. thats harsh.
I'm glad it helped you break from any possible isolation though. nothing wrong with having a little human contact, it goes a long way.
believe you me.
eat, drink, and be merry my friend!