So the last couple of days, I have been stuck in bed with a massive fever which made me delirious. Over the fucking LONG WEEKEND!!!! Not happy...
Cold shivers through my bones but skin feels like it's on fire.
I feel like I have a basketball in my throat.
Other than that, life is fairly decent.
I've been offered a mentorship with a Production Company who I'll be managing Junto through. Giving me the title of 'Project Manager'. Mkaing up business cards and putting me on their letterhead as well.
I have so much work to do.
I also got a promotion at work - Head attorney's PA/Secretary. I fucking hate my job.
Thought I'd throw in a sketch from a while ago....
Cold shivers through my bones but skin feels like it's on fire.

I feel like I have a basketball in my throat.
Other than that, life is fairly decent.
I've been offered a mentorship with a Production Company who I'll be managing Junto through. Giving me the title of 'Project Manager'. Mkaing up business cards and putting me on their letterhead as well.
I have so much work to do.
I also got a promotion at work - Head attorney's PA/Secretary. I fucking hate my job.
Thought I'd throw in a sketch from a while ago....

u found someoine to move in his room?