What a weekend!
Spending three days with 60 teenagers ranging from 15-17 boys and girls is surprisingly an awesome experience. I'm a volunteer with RYPEN and RYLA which are organised leadership seminars focusing on developing skills and personal development. It's all sponsered by Rotary so it doesn't cost a thing, there's one run in most districts around the world so if your into that kinda thing, look it up! Totally rewarding.
Anyways, since i've been involved for quite a few years now the committee see me as a mentor/lead director to the other directors which are involved aswell as the young peeps that come to the camp. It's a massive role and i guess i've never realised how awesome that is. I've never seen the accomplishments I've made in order to get to where i am. I guess i finally developed my own leadership style this weekend aswell which is lovely. I've always felt really insecure about myself as i would always compare my style to other people who were more qualified in youth work. But since i didn't know as much as they did, i always felt under par. But since i was top dog this weekend with 3 other peeps who were relatively new, i found my strength and enjoyed it.
I'm so glad that i'm starting to accept things as they are. I don't feel any pressure anymore to compare. I just be. It's rad. All this in a weekend....awesome.
How was yours?
Spending three days with 60 teenagers ranging from 15-17 boys and girls is surprisingly an awesome experience. I'm a volunteer with RYPEN and RYLA which are organised leadership seminars focusing on developing skills and personal development. It's all sponsered by Rotary so it doesn't cost a thing, there's one run in most districts around the world so if your into that kinda thing, look it up! Totally rewarding.
Anyways, since i've been involved for quite a few years now the committee see me as a mentor/lead director to the other directors which are involved aswell as the young peeps that come to the camp. It's a massive role and i guess i've never realised how awesome that is. I've never seen the accomplishments I've made in order to get to where i am. I guess i finally developed my own leadership style this weekend aswell which is lovely. I've always felt really insecure about myself as i would always compare my style to other people who were more qualified in youth work. But since i didn't know as much as they did, i always felt under par. But since i was top dog this weekend with 3 other peeps who were relatively new, i found my strength and enjoyed it.
I'm so glad that i'm starting to accept things as they are. I don't feel any pressure anymore to compare. I just be. It's rad. All this in a weekend....awesome.
How was yours?
teenagers scare the shit out of me, i was never one and im glad for it---i heard that the plates that compose your skull dont fuse until somewhere around 19 or 20....so i guess what im saying is, if you're dealing with those kids and they get out of hand, just pull out a screw driver, grab one by the neck and start prying on his skull, you're bound to hit a crevice, pry up and towards you (that'll show the others) congratulations though--it feels good knowing your shit,eh?. my weekend rocked--i slept
Rad!!! I've been in Game 4 years now haha. Though I'm leaving in 2 weeks