I have rested up some and I feel much better now. I am ready to start my day... My friend went shopping in NYC this weekend and she had went to find fake handbags. There was a lady in the store that let them in the secret back room to check out thier stock. I think that is amazing and so funny.
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I didn't know that such a secret handbag society exsisted! It sounds like your friend was accepted into their purse underworld.
Keep an eye on her. It's a slippery slope. First it starts with handbags, then it's fake rolexes, next thing you know she's hooked on cheap Nike ripoffs and trying to score bootleg dvd's!
What is this world coming to? Oh, the humanity!!!!
Mind you, the only thing missing from this tale is that your friend saw a bunch of unionized gnomes or Oompa Loompas working in this secret room, and crafting these fake handbags.