sometimes life doesn't happen exactly the way you wanted it to go.
my dad stopped into my office this morning to bring me a bunch of bad news. so, i have a few more big decisions that i have to make these next coming weeks. sigh.
had a fun time at bento's last night. love to see all my friends i missed shabbydo though. he's fallen off the planet i believe...
i won't be able to make it to mrniceguy's cabin this weekend due to work BOOOOO! however, i will be in columbus tomorrow seeing all you columbus freaks
wish me luck with all my stuff.
my dad stopped into my office this morning to bring me a bunch of bad news. so, i have a few more big decisions that i have to make these next coming weeks. sigh.
had a fun time at bento's last night. love to see all my friends i missed shabbydo though. he's fallen off the planet i believe...
i won't be able to make it to mrniceguy's cabin this weekend due to work BOOOOO! however, i will be in columbus tomorrow seeing all you columbus freaks
wish me luck with all my stuff.
Bento was awesome though!!!
Big hugs to ya, though!