i got some much needed sleep last night after a two hour conversation with carie on the phone. i miss that girl.
see how good looking we are:
her boy, dan, who is also my friend, is in iraq. good news is he gets to come home for 2 weeks in august! i haven't seen him in over 8 months! and i know carie o\is looking forward to seeing him!
i can't imagine how sad she must be sleeping alone. well, i can but i'm sure it's worse for her. she's trying to get the house all ready for him when he comes home. dan is sucha sweetheart and will completely appreciate it. i'm so happy that she FINALLY found a guy who truely loves her.
on a happy note! i'm getting a special visit next week
i can't wait!
see how good looking we are:

her boy, dan, who is also my friend, is in iraq. good news is he gets to come home for 2 weeks in august! i haven't seen him in over 8 months! and i know carie o\is looking forward to seeing him!

on a happy note! i'm getting a special visit next week

i can't wait!
Special visit? Aunt Flo?