Work again...
Just me and molly here today.
I think ill get the inventory tracker up to date. I feel like doing paperwork. (Yeah. I'm a dork.)
I have to do my state taxes tonight. And I'm going to get my files in order. I have crap I need to shred. Then the gym!! I'm going to get a membership at the new awesome gym down the street. Soon ill be so tone and hot. I mean more hot then I already am
micah came up to see me last night and linuxfy my computer
that guy rules!! We ate at papa joe's and I lost at darts with cypris to some loser drunk dudes at the bar. Ugh. I need more practice!! And less drinking. I'm gaining weight like a mofo!
Ok. Back to work.
Just me and molly here today.
I think ill get the inventory tracker up to date. I feel like doing paperwork. (Yeah. I'm a dork.)
I have to do my state taxes tonight. And I'm going to get my files in order. I have crap I need to shred. Then the gym!! I'm going to get a membership at the new awesome gym down the street. Soon ill be so tone and hot. I mean more hot then I already am
micah came up to see me last night and linuxfy my computer
Ok. Back to work.
Be well, escape, update...all of that.