i actually ran a bit on the tredmill yesterday. it feels good to be working out again. i stare at the yukkyness of my figure (ok, it's not that bad. but i'm the heaviest i've ever been!) in the mirror and i can't wait for it to go away. more working out!!!
things are looking up. at least i'm going to take a more taoist approach to things this week. i'm still a bit sad about all the crap life threw at me in january but all is not lost. and it's nice to know there are people out there who truly love and care about me.
i need to get out of my lease. it's too expensive and i drive too much anymore. i would like to live in columbus so i'm closer to y'all. the lease is the one thing stopping me. i can transfer soon and i only have school 2 days a week. then i can finally begin to sort out all the possesions i've accumulated. jeez-o-man. i've got a lot of stuff! i figure i'll have a huge yard sale or something. then take the money and buy new stuff! hahaha. no. well, maybe.
things are looking up. at least i'm going to take a more taoist approach to things this week. i'm still a bit sad about all the crap life threw at me in january but all is not lost. and it's nice to know there are people out there who truly love and care about me.
i need to get out of my lease. it's too expensive and i drive too much anymore. i would like to live in columbus so i'm closer to y'all. the lease is the one thing stopping me. i can transfer soon and i only have school 2 days a week. then i can finally begin to sort out all the possesions i've accumulated. jeez-o-man. i've got a lot of stuff! i figure i'll have a huge yard sale or something. then take the money and buy new stuff! hahaha. no. well, maybe.

we miss her too.
