yes, i have worked out two days in a row! woo! but then again i also ate out like 4 times in the past few days so i'm sure it really hasn't done much good, just kinda evened me out. at least i'm not gaining the weight though, right?
i was hoping it would be a little warmer today so i could have gone to the pool for a bit, i need to be tan! tan! tan! i don't care to hear your skin cancer lectures by the time i'm old they will have a cure for that.
i've decided i want to be a stand up comedian for a living. how do i go about doing this? i think i'd be funny, at least they would laugh at me because i look funny. i'll be all tan. and hot because i'm working out...ok, maybe i won't look funny, just really hot.
i was hoping it would be a little warmer today so i could have gone to the pool for a bit, i need to be tan! tan! tan! i don't care to hear your skin cancer lectures by the time i'm old they will have a cure for that.
i've decided i want to be a stand up comedian for a living. how do i go about doing this? i think i'd be funny, at least they would laugh at me because i look funny. i'll be all tan. and hot because i'm working out...ok, maybe i won't look funny, just really hot.

It were a good time. I ended up getting back, and then heading out to brunswick where I watched a friends almost blow himself up. It was amusing.