i got my second letter from adam today
he's still doing well. he may become a leader soon. i'm not surprised at this, he's very smart. if anyone wants to send him a note let me know and i'll mail it with one of my letters.
i quit the job at lord and taylor and i'm taking a few weeks off to clean up and organize everything here at home. it will take the whole two weeks to get this place livable. dee is coming over tomorrow to help me go through everything. i have a hard time parting with my things and i need someone to tell me, "you are NEVER going to wear that outfit that has shoulder pads that you can still fit into but you've had since middle school." you never know, shoulder pads might come back in...
i'm going to columbus this weekend to see everyone and go to the magic mountain
WOO! so, i hope to see a bunch of you this weekend. if anyone wants to ride with let me know.
ok, must put groceries away

i quit the job at lord and taylor and i'm taking a few weeks off to clean up and organize everything here at home. it will take the whole two weeks to get this place livable. dee is coming over tomorrow to help me go through everything. i have a hard time parting with my things and i need someone to tell me, "you are NEVER going to wear that outfit that has shoulder pads that you can still fit into but you've had since middle school." you never know, shoulder pads might come back in...
i'm going to columbus this weekend to see everyone and go to the magic mountain

ok, must put groceries away

Well, no. That was 1988.
I would do almost anything to be that size again.