well, this should be a fun week for sure! i went to a bbq last night and there are still 2 more this week! nice! and i'm having company this week! yay! now to clean up my apartment...
so, yesterday at work, joyce (who's a 60+ year old black retiree) was waiting on a small asian lady. she thanksed her for her purchase and handed her the new shoes and she was on her way. as soon as this lady was out of earshot, joyce comes up to me with the signed credit card reciept.
"look at this lady's name!" as joyce handed me the slip:
her name is My T Dong.
but the funniest part was seeing a 60+ year old black woman giggling about it
i'm on my way to get fingerprinted for the new job. hopefully, the background check went ok. there was just that one incident...
just kidding, you all know i'm perfect. then work...and then i'm meeting someone new, and i'm very excited! yay!
so, yesterday at work, joyce (who's a 60+ year old black retiree) was waiting on a small asian lady. she thanksed her for her purchase and handed her the new shoes and she was on her way. as soon as this lady was out of earshot, joyce comes up to me with the signed credit card reciept.
"look at this lady's name!" as joyce handed me the slip:

her name is My T Dong.
but the funniest part was seeing a 60+ year old black woman giggling about it

i'm on my way to get fingerprinted for the new job. hopefully, the background check went ok. there was just that one incident...

ive only seen it at macys.. you guys may have it tho