so the boy and i went to pecto today to get some goldfishies for our oscars and they had an apodption thing going today... well we got a white siamese snowshoe kitten. we don't get to bring her home for another month (she is only 4 weeks with now) but i am very excited. above is a picture similar to what she looks like except her eyes are BRIGHT BRIGHT blue and she has bright white fur (all over white - no spots).
i can't wait to show all of you pictures. they will bring her by in two weeks so i might be able to play with her but still have to wait a month to bring her home... maybe i will take a few shots then.
also we haven't thought of a name yet... any suggestions?
My kitten was about that teeny when we found him at the steel plant. I called him Toby, but I cannot tell you why...it just seemed to work well
I am hoping someday soon, that I will have my pug puppy, and I can name it Tater Tot
wait and see what her personality is like...
best idea.
feels like we havent commented each other in a month