Sorry to see you're leaving, but have a great time in FL! Hope you'll join us again when you can
Take care and much luck!

so i'm on my way back to work after lunch today after enjoying a nice time at home with my kitty and i'm waiting at a light on pch...
so the guy in front of me moves a bit forward so i do the same...
next he reverses his car into mine but stops before hitting it... wtf right? well he moves forward again and...
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so the guy in front of me moves a bit forward so i do the same...
next he reverses his car into mine but stops before hitting it... wtf right? well he moves forward again and...
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ohh thats sucks...
Wow the same kind of thing happened to me. A jacked up white Ford F250 was trying to run me off the road and practically took my car out when it swerved around me (apparently going 45 mph wasn't fast enough on a residential street). Got to a red light and they slammed the brakes on then acted like they were going to reverse into me. The light turned green so they took off only to slam their brakes on in the middle of the intersection which made me hit them because I couldn't stop in time. Then they sped off. I was petrified and the Westminster police said they couldn't do anything about it because I coudn't see who was driving. Though I had the license plate. F'n crazy people!!!
Kitten!!!! I love it, I bet yours is super cute, can't wait to see the pics
My kitten was about that teeny when we found him at the steel plant. I called him Toby, but I cannot tell you just seemed to work well
I am hoping someday soon, that I will have my pug puppy, and I can name it Tater Tot

My kitten was about that teeny when we found him at the steel plant. I called him Toby, but I cannot tell you just seemed to work well

I am hoping someday soon, that I will have my pug puppy, and I can name it Tater Tot

sadly her eyes will get darker as she gets older.
wait and see what her personality is like...
best idea.
feels like we havent commented each other in a month
wait and see what her personality is like...
best idea.
feels like we havent commented each other in a month
Are those minidachshunds I see up there?
Hey, sorry I have contacted you in a while. The whole job thing has been conumming me. I'm starting as an independant contractor at a place in Signal Hill. I'm going to see if I can bring people in to practice facials on since they are more advanced. If she lets me do that, would you like to get a facial? The Guinot treatments really seem great, better than anything I've worked with so far. I had a quickie this week and saw improvements right away.

id keep all of them...
but thatd be alot of little mouths to feed...
but thatd be alot of little mouths to feed...
"We all have the tendency to make assumptions about everyting. The problem with making assumptions is that we believe they are the truth. We could swear they are real. We make assumptions about what others are doing or thinking ~ we take it personally ~ then we blame them and react by sending emotional poison with our word. That is why when ever we make...
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yeah they suck