*~*It's a BEAUTIFUL Day, & I can't get out to totally take advantage of the weather. My Back is REALLY hurting today BUT, it was WELL worth spending most of the day w/my Mom Thursday
Lastnight I woke to it Raining SOOOO Hard that I couldn't see anything outside & it Thundered Sooooo Hard that I was actually Scarred outta my skin! Espicially when I wasn't even fully awake! & I got up & when into the other bedroom to shut the window where my cat Abigail sleeps in the top of her Cat Stand & she was also soooo Scarred that she was hiding in the bottom house of her Cat Stand. That was the WORSE Storm I think i've ever heard in my entire Life. It only lasted about 10mins thank goodness. I went back to sleep shortly after, slept ALL day & ALL nite til about a lil after 6:00am this Morning. It's so Peaceful around here, I Love it when my Husband is outta Town
NO Stress, just me & Abby. I hope you ALL are enjoying the Day & i'm guna go for now, got to TRY to get this Pain under Control..............before I Forget, imma TRY to be on here more & when there are sum days I can't be, PLEASE don't take Offense

I don't think anyone would be offended woman lol. I was wondering where you disappeared to. Th storm was about half an hour to maybe 45 min here so I don't know how it was only 10 min there. Share what you are having lmao.
Ahahahaha thanx 4 the photo album comment. Just seen that. The It's all about me bag, ha! It's actually from a way too cool girl who DOES MissBehave lmfao!! Naughty naughty girl.
Recognize that teeny tiny dress? I'm surprised you didn't point that out girl. Both were gifts from YOU. You probably didn't as it's been awhile and it is reeeeally a tank. Just so happens to be long enough to make a mighty fine sexy short dress wink wink. Scott liked it