ode to my computer
by missa doodikins
sorry its been so long since an update. ive been uber busy. my new job at hot topic is GGRREEAATT! i love it and my bosses seem to like me too. there has been talks of making me a full time manager! i hope i hope i hope! send some positive juju my way, yall.
so about my computer. its been runnin slow as balls lately so i bought some com fixer software. ive been playin with it for days, waiting for it to finish a task. it takes forever to scan shit so literally for DAYS this software has been running. i hope it fixes SOMETHIN. on a similar note, my bitch of a pc had about 20 different viruses on it.
hmm what else...drawin a blank at the moment. i got a wicked headache, as usual. imma go and finish eatin my dindin. toodles
by missa doodikins
sorry its been so long since an update. ive been uber busy. my new job at hot topic is GGRREEAATT! i love it and my bosses seem to like me too. there has been talks of making me a full time manager! i hope i hope i hope! send some positive juju my way, yall.

so about my computer. its been runnin slow as balls lately so i bought some com fixer software. ive been playin with it for days, waiting for it to finish a task. it takes forever to scan shit so literally for DAYS this software has been running. i hope it fixes SOMETHIN. on a similar note, my bitch of a pc had about 20 different viruses on it.

hmm what else...drawin a blank at the moment. i got a wicked headache, as usual. imma go and finish eatin my dindin. toodles

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