quickey update before sleep. sorry if ive been slightly absent. i started my new job last saturday and all i been doin is workin and sleepin. i like it alot but it takes alot outta you. i work in a vet clinic. the clinic owns 6 cats. we have about 30 patients daily in and out. i have asthma and am allergic to everything. its like an energy vaccum. but i really like it and the doc likes me too. im doin well and pickin up things pretty quickly. i hope this is gonna be a long term thing. ill update more when i get a break (im workin 6 days a week now
missa's daily like/dislike: the cool underside of a pillow on a warm night/people who say "expresso" and "conversate"
oh yea, pics from our bday mini bash are up here

missa's daily like/dislike: the cool underside of a pillow on a warm night/people who say "expresso" and "conversate"
oh yea, pics from our bday mini bash are up here
get some rest