thanks for everyones concern. heres the story:
my hub called and woke me up last sunday at 5pm cuz he was comin home from work. so i went downstairs to check on dinner in my crock pot. i thought i smelled burning but i was pretty sure the food in my cooker was not burnt. i peer out my kitchen window and see black smoke pouring out of my neighbors roof. i run outside and am greeting by 2 cops telling me to get the hell out of the house. i am in a t shirt and pj pants, i grab sneakers and my jacket and get out. i see my 2 neighbors (man and woman probly in their 40s) shes burnt up and disoriented. he comes out covered in black. they get taken to the hospital. i am standing on the street along with most of the neighborhood watching helplessly as the firemen start to arrive. at this point i couldnt give a shit less about my stuff im worried about my pets. all the people in the street were so nice and offered any help they could, their cell phones, a place to sit, comething warm to drink. but im too hysterical to think straight. an hour goes by when my hub gets home and sees all the commotion. he makes phonecalls since im too freaked to talk. at one point a fireman on the roof tries breaking out a window to allow hoses access to the fire. as soon as the glass shatters a wave of flame powers up the frame like comething out of a movie. ive never been so close to anything like this. its about 8ish before the fire trucks and police leave and we are allowed inside. our house, though not actually damaged by the fire, has been wrecked by firemen. throughout the whole ordeal they were in and out of my house and i thought they were doing this because they needed rear access and couldnt get through the alley. nope...
damage toll on the house: 3 holes in the living room ceiling, sooty walls and railings, broken screen in bathroom window, ceiling in computer room completely torn down along with a broken out window, and 2 holes in our bedroom ceiling.
damage toll on us: clothes, pet food and toys, our toys and stuffed animals, our bed, alarm clock, lots of other personal crap
what now? we wait for the insurance estimater to look at the house. since we rent the house gets fixed with no expense to us. however, we dont have renters insurance so all the personal shit we lost we have to replace ourselves.
theres good in this story but i cant see it anymore. with every passing day it seems were more and more fucked. i posted a bunch of pics of the damage so go check em out.

my hub called and woke me up last sunday at 5pm cuz he was comin home from work. so i went downstairs to check on dinner in my crock pot. i thought i smelled burning but i was pretty sure the food in my cooker was not burnt. i peer out my kitchen window and see black smoke pouring out of my neighbors roof. i run outside and am greeting by 2 cops telling me to get the hell out of the house. i am in a t shirt and pj pants, i grab sneakers and my jacket and get out. i see my 2 neighbors (man and woman probly in their 40s) shes burnt up and disoriented. he comes out covered in black. they get taken to the hospital. i am standing on the street along with most of the neighborhood watching helplessly as the firemen start to arrive. at this point i couldnt give a shit less about my stuff im worried about my pets. all the people in the street were so nice and offered any help they could, their cell phones, a place to sit, comething warm to drink. but im too hysterical to think straight. an hour goes by when my hub gets home and sees all the commotion. he makes phonecalls since im too freaked to talk. at one point a fireman on the roof tries breaking out a window to allow hoses access to the fire. as soon as the glass shatters a wave of flame powers up the frame like comething out of a movie. ive never been so close to anything like this. its about 8ish before the fire trucks and police leave and we are allowed inside. our house, though not actually damaged by the fire, has been wrecked by firemen. throughout the whole ordeal they were in and out of my house and i thought they were doing this because they needed rear access and couldnt get through the alley. nope...
damage toll on the house: 3 holes in the living room ceiling, sooty walls and railings, broken screen in bathroom window, ceiling in computer room completely torn down along with a broken out window, and 2 holes in our bedroom ceiling.
damage toll on us: clothes, pet food and toys, our toys and stuffed animals, our bed, alarm clock, lots of other personal crap
what now? we wait for the insurance estimater to look at the house. since we rent the house gets fixed with no expense to us. however, we dont have renters insurance so all the personal shit we lost we have to replace ourselves.
theres good in this story but i cant see it anymore. with every passing day it seems were more and more fucked. i posted a bunch of pics of the damage so go check em out.


Drown it out with loud music.
