Ahh week two of no TV has started...
Trying to get online more but the router is either faulty or direct tv internet sucks. [if you live in the middle of no where...I'm sure in the city it's fine like everything else]
On saturday I saw some friends from highschool we went to a friends parents wedding....she now lives in an amazing log house...it's huge..and there's a pool behind a bookshelf...
Her family kept making fun of me because I'm short. :-p
Last week I went to burnsville and submitted `18 applications... I got one interview with a perfume store, today I'm going back for my second interview.. I'll be selling perfume on commision and basepay I'm so excited :3. Because I love perfume bottles....and I can also start helping out in getting ready to move out and such.
My sunburn is peeling finally and oddly enough I have tan lines...so now I have to fix them.. which means laying nude in the sun at my house with neighbors around...that's going to be a bitch.
The thing that sucks...is I can't have my piercings so now I'm going to have wait even longer ....and I have to find clear ones which don't hide very well so I'm hoping the manager will allow them...maybe I'll get lucky and I can find a piercing place that will pierce them clear...maybe...I know plastic holds bacteria but still man...people need to open up more because hot topic an spencers are not hiring....and hot topic has...started to make me cry.
Trying to get online more but the router is either faulty or direct tv internet sucks. [if you live in the middle of no where...I'm sure in the city it's fine like everything else]
On saturday I saw some friends from highschool we went to a friends parents wedding....she now lives in an amazing log house...it's huge..and there's a pool behind a bookshelf...
Her family kept making fun of me because I'm short. :-p
Last week I went to burnsville and submitted `18 applications... I got one interview with a perfume store, today I'm going back for my second interview.. I'll be selling perfume on commision and basepay I'm so excited :3. Because I love perfume bottles....and I can also start helping out in getting ready to move out and such.
My sunburn is peeling finally and oddly enough I have tan lines...so now I have to fix them.. which means laying nude in the sun at my house with neighbors around...that's going to be a bitch.
The thing that sucks...is I can't have my piercings so now I'm going to have wait even longer ....and I have to find clear ones which don't hide very well so I'm hoping the manager will allow them...maybe I'll get lucky and I can find a piercing place that will pierce them clear...maybe...I know plastic holds bacteria but still man...people need to open up more because hot topic an spencers are not hiring....and hot topic has...started to make me cry.
with the winsome smile and pretty face, it's tough to imagine any manager not giving you what you want. You'd plainly be an asset
I hope your second interview went well. Good luck! I'd definitely buy perfume from you. haha.