he he, i'm naughty, i'm updating from work.
here's what's been happening in the exciting (ppfffttt) world of ehren -
saw dawn of the dead last week, or was it the week before? anyway, was awesome, highly recommend it, i'm quite a cynical horror fan so that's saying a lot.
i'm not single anymore, i've started seeing a guy i have been friends with for years, he's not my conventional 'type', although he is spunky, but we get along fabulously and the sex is awesome. he astounds me with his knowledge and wit, that's all that matters really.
started going to wing chun again, have a class tonight, although i feel stuffed right now, i'm sure 2 hours of punching and kicking will put the life back into me. had to be up at 6am this morning for a breakky meeting with the boss, my body is not used to being up an hour earlier than usual.
still looking at dates for the new york trip, but i will probably be leaving around the 15th or so. ahh, autumn in central park!
been listening to the jamie cullum album heaps. i love his version of radiohead's 'high and dry'.
i wanna buy a wig. like a 1920's flapper bob. i miss my hair
that's about all.
hope everyone is well. i miss you guys, i need to start spending more time here again.
here's what's been happening in the exciting (ppfffttt) world of ehren -
saw dawn of the dead last week, or was it the week before? anyway, was awesome, highly recommend it, i'm quite a cynical horror fan so that's saying a lot.
i'm not single anymore, i've started seeing a guy i have been friends with for years, he's not my conventional 'type', although he is spunky, but we get along fabulously and the sex is awesome. he astounds me with his knowledge and wit, that's all that matters really.
started going to wing chun again, have a class tonight, although i feel stuffed right now, i'm sure 2 hours of punching and kicking will put the life back into me. had to be up at 6am this morning for a breakky meeting with the boss, my body is not used to being up an hour earlier than usual.
still looking at dates for the new york trip, but i will probably be leaving around the 15th or so. ahh, autumn in central park!
been listening to the jamie cullum album heaps. i love his version of radiohead's 'high and dry'.
i wanna buy a wig. like a 1920's flapper bob. i miss my hair

that's about all.
hope everyone is well. i miss you guys, i need to start spending more time here again.
i've had quite a bit of fun in "unconventional" types of relationships... hope you do as well! 

Ah..a martial artist.