copied and pasted from my livejournal because i am slack.
6th June 2004
i am sick.
being sick sucks.
all you do is feel sorry for yourself and eat lots.
well, at least that is what i do.
i have tomorrow and tuesday off work, it feels so good. i'm getting my hair cut on tuesday. say goodbye to the mullet, hello alyssa milano pixie style.
sex with someone you respect and trust is really really good. it also helps if they have an incredible body.
and they are my random thoughts for tonight. i'm going to go and eat apple pie.
7th June, 2004
7:42pm: it is done.
i have the shortest hair i've had in my life!
i really like it, though it makes me look more dignified or respectable or something - i'm not so sure about that part, i liked looking like a no good punker kid! ha ha.
i had a really girly day today. got the haircut, went on a grocery store mission with l-dawg, had coffee with a couple of friends i hadn't seen for ages then went and had the best facial ever! the girl that did it was really nice. i will definitely be going back there. and lori, stop sniggering - not THAT kind of facial! after town i went to my friend nick's house and sice we are both sick we laid on his bed and watched cartoons all afternoon before heading down to the jetty to watch venus pass over the sun. at least that's what i'm told was supposed to happen, i couldn't see jack! it could've been uranus for all i know. ba ha!
6th June 2004
i am sick.
being sick sucks.
all you do is feel sorry for yourself and eat lots.
well, at least that is what i do.
i have tomorrow and tuesday off work, it feels so good. i'm getting my hair cut on tuesday. say goodbye to the mullet, hello alyssa milano pixie style.
sex with someone you respect and trust is really really good. it also helps if they have an incredible body.
and they are my random thoughts for tonight. i'm going to go and eat apple pie.
7th June, 2004
7:42pm: it is done.
i have the shortest hair i've had in my life!
i really like it, though it makes me look more dignified or respectable or something - i'm not so sure about that part, i liked looking like a no good punker kid! ha ha.
i had a really girly day today. got the haircut, went on a grocery store mission with l-dawg, had coffee with a couple of friends i hadn't seen for ages then went and had the best facial ever! the girl that did it was really nice. i will definitely be going back there. and lori, stop sniggering - not THAT kind of facial! after town i went to my friend nick's house and sice we are both sick we laid on his bed and watched cartoons all afternoon before heading down to the jetty to watch venus pass over the sun. at least that's what i'm told was supposed to happen, i couldn't see jack! it could've been uranus for all i know. ba ha!
sucks being sick, hope you're better soon.. dig that mullet!!
girl, send me your adress and i'll send you some music.